"I'm really trying to make it more than what it is
Cause everybody dies but not everybody lives.
Wish I could have this moment for life
Cause in this moment I just feel so alive"

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Last Day at Channel 9 News

Saying Goodbye
Thursday was also my last day at my internship and it was kind of bittersweet. I have formed friendships with most everybody I have worked with over the past 2 months and all of them have been there for me in one way or another... I have learned so much from my internship and am truly blessed to be able to come here and learn from such awesome people! I remember the first story I did and how discouraged I was after it, thinking there was no way I could actually be a TV journalist. But by the end I had improved so much and my stories actually looked and sounded pretty good. I will miss everyone at Channel 9 so much and I hope I will be back to visit often! Thank you all for everything you have done for me and being part of my life!
-Houston, Tutti Fruity, O'Bannonan, O'Bainon, ect.

1 comment:

  1. I have just had a look through your blog and you really did fit alot of fun times into a short space!!! Glad I got to spend heaps of them with you. Remember its 309 George ST, DUNEDIN.. if you send any cool people over this way. Always a sofa free at my place. Smiley Face Icon :)
