"I'm really trying to make it more than what it is
Cause everybody dies but not everybody lives.
Wish I could have this moment for life
Cause in this moment I just feel so alive"

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Photo of the day JUNE 26

Hiking Rosella Ridge, Silver Peaks

I don't think this photo even needs a description, it definitely speaks for itself.

But I'll give one anyway....

Today my new friend Luke (also an American intern) and I met up with the Otago Tramping and Mountaineering Club for a day hike. I thought.. sweet, a nice day hike. We'll hike up somewhere, get a nice view and some fresh air and come back down... Oh boy was I wrong! This was probably one of the toughest hikes I have ever been on! It rained the night before which caused a lot of the trail to be very muddy! I nicknamed this hike 'Muddy Butt' because of how many times I slipped and fell in the mud! I also didn't have hiking boots... bad idea for an intense hike like this! With all this aside, this hike was absolutely breath taking, to be cliche... haha The picture above is the view from our lunch spot looking from Rosella Ridge across the rest of the silver peaks (I think). After we hiked up to that spot, we hiked the entire ridge which you can see in the picture, it is the defined ridge on the right side of the photo. It was one of the most incredible things I have ever done to be honest. A really cool part of the hike is that all along the ridge you could look back and see the narrow little path that you just hiked. It was also an unmaintained trail which means we roughed it, plowed through bushes and virtually slip-slided down the entire trail, as well as got slightly lost a few times. It was so incredible though, definitely worth every step!
-Whitney O'Bannon, an Official Kiwi Tramper

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